zaterdag 18 januari 2025
28 C
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Brunswijk fulfills election promise

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Today Vice President Ronnie Brunswijk gave the permission for the asphalting of the 5 kilometer long road that connects the villages of Apoera, Washabo and Section. This part of the road has been in a deplorable condition for sometime now.

The residents of these villages have recently drawn attention to this road. Brunswijk said that this is one of the promises made to the community in the west of the country during the 2020 election campaign. The Vice President said that part of this road had been addressed by the previous administration, but the other part did not.

The residents were overwhelmed with joy during the commencement of the asphalting work. This is a special moment for them because the road is impassable, especially during the rainy season. These road sections will be tackled by contracting company Baitali N.V..

Mayor Josta Lewis of the Kabalebo administrative district said that the approach is a major development for the community. The residents will benefit from this. She thanked the Vice President for his efforts to bring this project to fruition.

After the start of the asphalt work, the vice president visited the schools in the area. Brunswijk encouraged both teachers and students at the start of the new school year.

During this visit, the problems facing the O.S. Apoera has been brought to the attention of the Vice President. He asked the school management for a list of the problems and send it in so that the necessary solutions can be worked on. This school is struggling with leaks while the sanitary facilities leave something to be desired.







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HomeEngelsBrunswijk fulfills election promise