donderdag 18 april 2024
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Bouva won’t hear from Santokhi about the secret account

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The secret account that President Chan Santokhi has, in his opinion, is in perfect working order. He said in the National Assembly on Friday that every president had a secret account. The Government Accounts Act’s Article 13 is in compliance with this, he claims. This matter was brought up in the nation’s conference room by Assemblyman Melvin Bouva (NDP). He provided documentation demonstrating the quick transfer of SRD 4 million to the president’s covert account at the Central Bank of Suriname.

Santokhi said that prompt action must be taken if there are security concerns. We conduct our business in compliance with the law and rules. Bouva claims that transfers were made in December and February to the covert account. He requested openness in this situation. He said that money is moved to the hidden account but is not available for purchasing necessities like medicines. He asserts that the representatives of the people have a right to see the data.

The president will not respond to Bouva’s inquiries over the secret account. He maintains that everything is well and that the situation is kept a secret. Bouva stated that as it involves public funds, there must be transparency regarding how they are being spent. He insists that there must be clarity.




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HomeEngelsBouva won't hear from Santokhi about the secret account