donderdag 13 februari 2025
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Bouva supports setting a “cap” on fuel costs

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According to NDP assemblyman Melvin Bouva, there must to be a “cap” on fuel costs. These are bursting from the pan. A liter of unleaded gasoline costs SRD 49.06 at SOL/Shell as of right now. According to Bouva and Stephen Tsang, a member of his party, the situation is no longer manageable for many.

Parliament has taken up a proposal to amend the Value Added Tax Act (VAT). This is an initiative proposal submitted by Assembly members Ronny Aloema (VHP) and Evert Karto (ABOP/PL). The opposition has criticized this bill that it will push prices and inflation up again. Not 5% but 10% VAT will be paid on fuel. Various goods will become more expensive.

According to Tsang and Bouva, the price of fuel is expensive at the pump, because in addition to 5% VAT, there is also SRD 3.50 governmenttake on the price. Bouva wonders how long the increases will continue undisturbed on fuel. An urgent appeal has been made to the government to intervene, so that the price does not go up with every shipment of fuel that comes in. The subsidy on fuel has been completely abandoned. The government has yet to speak. If it is up to the opposition, this law should be repealed.




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HomeEngelsBouva supports setting a "cap" on fuel costs