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BEP calls on Saamaka to keep courage

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The political party Brotherhood and Unity in Politics, BEP, congratulates the granman, captains and basyas and members of the tribe of the Saamaka or Saramaccaners, on the commemoration of 260 years of Saamaka Daka. The peace treaty with the Saramaccan tribe of September 19, 1762. In 2022 we also congratulate the entire Surinamese community with the commemoration of this historic day in Suriname.

The peace treaties or peace treaties concluded with Maroons or Afro-Surinamese in the interior, were the reaffirmation of ancient African values and norms that had been suppressed by slavery. The ideologies about freedom, reliability; mutual help, togetherness and cooperation, reciprocity, respect for the elderly, respect for nature, respect for culture, respect for education in order to be a full man or woman in society.

The struggle of the Saamaka was waged to help establish an ideal society, based on their well-known ethical norms and values from Africa. Unfortunately, the battle is not over yet. The majority of the Saamaka live in poverty despite the brave struggle of the ancestors for a better lot, a dignified existence, against exclusion; discrimination and injustice. For the time being, there is also no prospect of legal recognition of land rights as a tribal, people.

It remains a challenge to counter encroachment, interference, deviation and degradation of the cultural heritage and civilization of the Saamaka. The heritage must be protected for the transfer of knowledge to the children and children’s children, for the sharing of knowledge with the other Surinamese, and also for the preservation of one’s own identity in the Surinamese bromki dyari.

BEP calls on the Saramaccans to have courage and stand firm and fight for an ideal society for Suriname.





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HomeEngelsBEP calls on Saamaka to keep courage