donderdag 6 februari 2025
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Belfort: “Reverse 50% of the government’s increase in purchasing power”

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Nieuwe fase voor Nationale Loonraad

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Edward Belfort, an ABOP assembly member, thinks that by granting itself a 50% wage raise by state edict, the government has acted improperly. In a dialogue with the media Belfort suggests that this decision ought to be reversed right away. But he is not surprised by the government’s action. The MP anticipated it.

The government sees a chance to benefit from a significant rise in purchasing power while society is burdened by Suriname’s dire financial and economic circumstances. To increase their purchasing power, the president, vice president, ministers, and deputy ministers each receive a monthly indemnity of 50%.

Belfort says he has made it clear at various times that these rulers are not there for the interests of the people. “These men just sit there for their self-interest and to impoverish the people”, says Belfort. He indicates that under the Santokhi government, the people always have to pay the price.

If the government sticks to the 50 percent increase in purchasing power, according to the assembly member, all national servants and those equated with them should also receive a 50 percent increase in purchasing power. “Justice for one, justice for all”, emphasizes Belfort.





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HomeEngelsBelfort: "Reverse 50% of the government's increase in purchasing power"