vrijdag 17 januari 2025
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Barbados and Suriname stress unity

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The resident ambassadors of Suriname and Barbados placed a wreath together last week in Cuba’s “El Parque de los Próceres Caribeos” in honor of their respective nations’ respective independence days. Barbados gained its freedom on November 30, 1966, and Suriname celebrated 47 years of independence on November 25.

The Park of the Caribbean Heroes honors those who personify the bravery and comradery of the Caribbean peoples in their fight for freedom and against colonialism. Ambassadors Wendy Paulus-Aminta of Suriname and Phillip St. Hill of Barbados discussed the numerous difficulties and triumphs that their respective fledgling democracies have faced.

Both ambassadors have underlined the value of regional cooperation in addressing local and international issues. Paulus-Aminta gave a reading of the poem “Wan Bon” by Surinamese poet Robin Ravales. She and the Surinamese medical students in Cuba have celebrated 47 years of Srefidensi.

According to information from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Business, and International Collaboration, the joint organization of events among CARICOM member states is consistent with the CARICOM heads of state’s desire to further foster cooperation between the member states.

The 8th CARICOM-Cuba Summit will take place in Bridgetown, Barbados, on December 6, while Suriname is now in charge of the CARICOM.








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