Ann Sadi, a member of the NDP, asserts that the government needs to establish priorities. For a while now, Meerzorg’s mooring jetty has been in disrepair. Because of this, boat users must engage in a variety of acrobatic feats in order to exit the vessel safely. Sadi claims that although this issue has been brought up numerous times in the past, even in the National Assembly (DNA), individuals are taking action. Although the minister claimed in front of the legislature that the issue was being handled, certain boards have recently altered. The issue is still present.
“A project to build a new jetty had previously been approved during the previous administration. For this, the concrete piles had already been driven. However, that was it. According to Sadi, who is also the chairman of the ferry company that provides passenger transportation, the project has been put on hold. An owner of a boat sighed to the media:
“After that, the press has already come here a ton of times. The same things continue to exist. As a result of individuals choosing to take a bus or a taxi when the tide is low, we lose revenue. I’ve lost all hope. In addition, they rob here. Four boats disappeared from this area just last week.
Sadi also says that there is a lot of room for improvement in terms of site safety. “Meerzorg police only have one vehicle. Veerplein hasn’t been police presence there in a while. While such was the situation in the past. Priorities should be determined by the government because this is not practicable. Although there are plans to build a bridge over the Corantijn River, the tiny pier keeps deteriorating, according to Sadi.