donderdag 6 februari 2025
28 C
7.1 C

Assistance for 175 pupils

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Hof van Justitie spreekt Ashwin Adhin opnieuw vrij

Voormalig vicepresident Ashwin Adhin is door het Hof van Justitie vrijgesproken, nadat het Openbaar Ministerie had verzocht om het eerdere vonnis te vernietigen. De rechter...

The DA’91 Youth and Women Forum, with the assistance of numerous benefactors, has put together 175 school packages as a result of an online register of parents in need.  The distribution of the products began last week; they were delivered on Wednesday.  The party describes the move as lending a helpful hand to citizens in need.

School supplies are made available to students from Apoera to Moengo, from preschool age to pre-university education (VWO) level.  The forum claims in a press release that many parents’ burdens have been somewhat lessened in part because of the several sponsors.

The DA’91 Youth and Women Forum emphasizes that with the new school year approaching, all families with school-age children have additional expenses due to the purchase of school supplies and clothing.  At the same time…



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HomeEngelsAssistance for 175 pupils