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Asabina: Sanctions against Juspol minister in question Asawini

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Ronny Asabina, group leader of the BEP, claims that the circumstances surrounding activist Asawini Edenburg are still unclear. Asabina claims that the Minister of Justice and the Police should face consequences for the way that things turned out. Recent information suggests that the Public Prosecution Service (OM) is not at fault.

“The Minister of Justice and Police has acted in accordance with the opportunities and constraints.” According to the foreign minister, the president is not involved and is unaware of the situation. Additionally, the vice president paid a visit to Asawini and claimed to be unrelated to the situation. “One government, many tongues.”

“The government should bear the collective responsibility. Fingers are being pointed and that is contrary to proper and honest policy. Government stands and falls with making choices and taking decisions. We see a government that is sitting and parceled out,” said Asabina.




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HomeEngelsAsabina: Sanctions against Juspol minister in question Asawini