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Approving the installation of a second water pump in Bombay

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The second installation of pumps in Bombay’s Saramacca district has been signed by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Fisheries (LVV) and the business Kuldipsingh Infra N.V. According to Acting Director of Agriculture Soedeshchand Jairam, “as part of the 19 pumps brought in from India in 2019 for installation at 10 locations, the second stage has now been made.”

“Working to optimize and improve water management is crucial since it is well known how frequently flooding has caused damage to farmers. In order to finally dry out the areas, it is also required to install water pumps due to climate change.” In order to boost agricultural production and due to the increased precipitation, Director Jairam also stresses the importance of draining agricultural regions.




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HomeEngelsApproving the installation of a second water pump in Bombay