maandag 17 februari 2025
23 C
-2.1 C

“All those hookers take VAT,” Belfort said

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Drie VHP-vrouwen sluiten zich aan bij ABOP

Tijdens een grootschalige massameeting van de ABOP, ter gelegenheid van de 35e verjaardag van de partij, heeft voorzitter Ronnie Brunswijk een aantal nieuwe leden gepresenteerd. De meest in het oog sp...

Edward Belfort, a member of parliament, thinks that there are still too many questions concerning who should or shouldn’t charge value added tax (VAT) on their goods and services. He thinks that Suriname is currently experiencing severe VAT chaos.

“Foodstuffs, chicken, and dairy products would not be subject to VAT, but look.” Currently, a pound of chicken costs around 200 SRD. Every aspect involves VAT. Even those with poor morality pay VAT. This past weekend, the legislator said on Culturu TV that “all those whorehouses take VAT.”

Belfort is particularly dissatisfied that while the producing sector is not protected, casinos are not subject to VAT. How often do you visit casinos? When you actually have more money to relax there and earn some extra money,” he says.

Belfort says he is still an opponent of the 10% VAT, because it has been added to the already existing 12% sales tax. The whole story that products would become cheaper with the arrival of VAT has therefore never been fulfilled.

According to the ABOP member, the fact that Minister Stanley Raghoebarsing has indicated in parliament that the State has received 74% in VAT in the first five months only means that people are on the right track to exploit the people. “To starve the people to death. They are doing a good job with that,” said the politician.








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HomeEngels"All those hookers take VAT," Belfort said