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After seven years, the Caribbean Urban Forum returns to Suriname

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The Caribbean Urban Forum was held in Suriname once more after a 7-year hiatus. It is crucial that all Caribbean nations come together to discuss spatial planning in order to share ideas and perspectives on how to go forward while discussing how to plan future developments in the various Caribbean nations. According to Marciano Dasai, Minister of Spatial Planning and the Environment (ROM), such conferences are held annually in a number of different nations. It took place in Suriname the last time in 2016.

The major goal of the Caribbean Urban Forum is to examine how better spatial planning might be implemented throughout the area. And how people in many communities occupy their time between work and play. The 1972 date of the urban planning law, which is now evolving, is the law that should govern everything, including where areas and people should reside. The law is currently being reinstated. The Spatial Planning Act is a new law being developed by the Ministry of ROM. Due to this law, spatial planning must be done in accordance with the most recent advancements.

Since the nations in the area face similar problems, it is crucial that they cooperate and share knowledge. The many organizations in the area that present case studies the best make presentations at such conferences. The law on spatial planning will contain the rules that people have to work with when it comes to how and where to build. Then there will be a structure plan and zoning plan. This means that the different destinations of the areas are indicated on the map.




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HomeEngelsAfter seven years, the Caribbean Urban Forum returns to Suriname