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Abiamofo explains about drilling water sources in Nickerie

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The severe denunciation of the drilling of water sources in Henar, Nickerie, voiced by Dew Sharman, vice president of the National Assembly, is disputed by David Abiamofo, minister of natural resources. The residents have been without water for almost two years. Sharman claims that the assignment of the work was incorrect. Abiamofo further on the issues found.

The minister explained that in 2021 two water sources failed in a short period of time. Action was then taken quickly and a public tender was held. Four companies have bought specifications, but no one has registered. The companies have been contacted. The conversations showed that there was no equipment to dig 300 meters. That is needed in Henar and Paradise. In other places, water can already be found at a depth of 30 to 35 meters. The SWM also had no equipment to drill 300 meters at the time.

The people of Henar continued to press for water. Further inquiries were then made, according to the minister, about who could help. The then director of SWM, Marlon Oosterling, came up with the proposal to ask Kuldipsingh NV to carry out the drilling. This company is also the contractor for Staatsolie, which has also fully cooperated. Abiamofo explained that Kuldipsingh has been requested to carry out the drilling and not as stated by Sharman. On July 11, the go-ahead was given for the drilling. Delivery is expected at the end of September.




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HomeEngelsAbiamofo explains about drilling water sources in Nickerie