vrijdag 14 februari 2025
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A small group issues a day three protest appeal

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At the World Cup, while England triumphed over Iran, a group of people gathered in Old Flag Square to demonstrate against the government’s policies. On day 3, the gang has significantly diminished. A later mass, according to the activists, will occur. Around midday, more than an hour before the Netherlands-Senegal game, the action came to an end.

The NDP and New Suriname have both expressed support for the initiatives. It turns out that for the time being, it’s just words. Michael Sallons, a union representative, underlines, “But we continue every day. “The crowd will expand. since everyone is affected.” For more than 20 minutes, the individuals on the Waterkant obstructed traffic.

President Chan Santokhi’s cabinet received an open letter from union leaders on Friday, led by CLO chairman Ronald Hooghart. The unions demand, among other things, that the price of petrol return to SRD 7.52 per liter, the exchange rate return to SRD 7.42 for every US dollar, that basic requirements of life become affordable, and that the IMF program be terminated. The deadline for the government to abide with the conditions is Wednesday.

The people resolved to protest every day rather than waiting for the government to respond. It appears like they don’t give a damn about the World Cup. It is stated that “football no fur’ un bere (football won’t fill our stomachs). “We’ll pay a lot of electricity towards the end of the World Cup.” Ronald Hooghart, the movement’s leader, has called for a new gathering at Kwakoe tomorrow.






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HomeEngelsA small group issues a day three protest appeal