vrijdag 13 december 2024
23.7 C
2.4 C

54.6% inflation last year

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The rate of inflation in 2017 was 54.6%. The General Bureau of Statistics (ABS) reported that consumer prices rose by 54.6% from December 2021 to December 2022. Inflation reached 60.7% in 2020. The ABS is falling behind domestic price increases.

Consumer prices climbed by at least 4% in December compared to November. The cost of transportation, bread, grains, fruits, and vegetables has increased the most. Prices are inclusive from December 1 through December 29, 2022.

The consumer price index (CPI) is a gauge of the average change in price of a bundle of fixed-quality, fixed-quantity products and services destined for consumption.

The CPI package for Suriname contains 316 items, and price measurements are taken in Paramaribo and Wanica (at roughly 170 measuring points), Nickerie, including Wageningen (at roughly 115 measuring points), Coronie & Saramacca (at roughly 105 measuring points), Commewijne (at roughly 120 measuring points), and Para (at roughly 120 measuring points), for a total of about 630 measuring points.





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HomeEngels54.6% inflation last year