woensdag 12 februari 2025
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320 Residents of Nickerie received land papers

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320 residents of the Nickerie district now have land papers. These people have been waiting for their land papers for years. In this district, land documents have been issued five times since the Santokhi government assumed power. The event was attended by President Chan Santokhi and Minister Dinotha Vorswijk of Land Policy and Forest Management (GBB).

The head of state wishes to provide security by issuing land papers that will contribute to the development of the country. At the ceremony it was brought to the attention that the population would like a department of the Management Institute for Land Registration and Land Information System (MI-GLIS) in Nickerie. The expensive trip to Paramaribo to submit the necessary documents would then not be necessary.

Minister Vorswijk has indicated that work is being done to ensure that there is a permanent department of the MI-GLIS in Nickerie. The minister also indicated that a larger number of issues would be possible if the submission process were flawless. “Many documents have not been submitted completely, otherwise we would come to Nickerie today with at least 400 documents,” said the minister.






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HomeEngels320 Residents of Nickerie received land papers