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150 Years of Hindu Immigration Honored by the NDP

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Hindu contract labourers arrived in the colony of Suriname 150 years ago on the ship “Lala Rookh,” and Suriname is commemorating and celebrating this milestone today. From that point forward, history and the present have witnessed a startling historical growth. It’s important to note that transatlantic slavery had just been abolished at the time of their arrival. The various population groups already present in the area met the contractors right away. A culture in which there are various ethnic population groupings and where the colonizer never intended to teach them together, bring them together, or otherwise unite them into one people.

Every Surinamese draws inspiration from their rich Hindu cultural past. Hindustanis’ presence in our nation has aided in Suriname’s continued economic growth.

Suriname is a melting pot of ethno-cultural wealth that shapes our developing country, along with the original residents, the locals, and the descendants from India, Africa, Indonesia, China, and other ethnic groups.

Suriname is not yet in the proper place. The concept of oneness needs to be expanded in order to support our peaceful society. Like other ethnic groups, Hindustani in Surinam share the turbulent past of the nation. Unfortunately, the current administration has been following a course that has resulted in a socio-economic downturn with high fuel and food prices, an unstable exchange rate, and numerous financial and corruption scandals. However, the most worrying development is the rise in racial and ethnic intolerance.

Additionally, this highly unfavorable approach has led to abuses of democracy and the rule of law, violations of human rights, oppression of the populace, limitations on free expression, and, in sum, significant restrictions on the freedoms to speak and demonstrate.

More than ever, change is required, and the objective must always be kept in mind. We should work together on the development of country and people, because the ancestors of all population groups present in Suriname have contributed to the current Suriname. Let’s keep and guard unity, however we came here together!

The National Democratic Party wishes all Surinamese a day of reflection.








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HomeEngels150 Years of Hindu Immigration Honored by the NDP