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Bachelor’s degree in Police Science

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 On August 1, 2022, the bachelor’s degree in Police Science started again at the Surinamese Police Academy.  A group of thirty officers follows this bachelor’s degree.  The requirements for admission are that the participants are agents with the Suriname Police Force (KPS) and that they already have a Bachelor’s degree in their pocket.  The 2-year learning route started with the first module in which the subjects Ethics and Integrity, Management, Leadership and Human Resource Management will be taught.  In 2015 was the first group which consisted of 17 students.

Before the start of the training, the students were briefly addressed via Zoom by Minister Kenneth Amoksi, a representative of the acting Attorney General. The Police Commissioner who is also Director of Policy Preparation and Management at the KPS, Rishie Akkal and a representative of the Dutch Police. The Netherlands provides support for this training as part of the cooperation with Suriname in the Makandra project.

Minister Amoksi indicated that he is confident that the students will successfully complete the training.



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