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This year, the oil sector will hire around 700 skilled individuals

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According to Guyana’s Local Content Secretariat, Tier-1 subcontractors in the oil and gas industry would employ 732 skilled people this year. Based on an evaluation of the Local Content plans provided by 25 significant Tier-1 subcontractors in Guyana, this is stated.

In this case, the ExxonMobil-led consortium producing oil off the coast of Guyana is supported in a crucial way by huge corporations that are Tier-1 subcontractors.

323 technical personnel are required out of that total. Among them are platform and field operators, various technicians, engineers, and riggers. In addition, 294 specialized personnel are required, including drivers, cooks, laborers, and machine operators.

Another 27 health workers, 16 business and finances workers and three Information Technology (IT) workers are needed.

These new hires will add to the 2,700 Guyanese already employed in the petroleum sector, based on information provided by the Local Content Secretariat in an ad published in the Guyana Chronicle paper on Monday, July 24.

The need for these workers comes as Guyana is grappling with labor shortage concerns.

Last week, Minister of Public Works Juan Edghill said Guyana’s expanding oil and gas sector is driving up the demand for workers. And in this sector, he said about 1,000 certified welders will be needed soon.

To meet these needs, Edghill reminded people that the government is establishing a new training centre in Region Six (East Berbice- Corentyne).




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HomeBuitenlandThis year, the oil sector will hire around 700 skilled individuals