woensdag 22 januari 2025
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This is bigger than all of us

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Vice President Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo asserts that despite Venezuela’s ongoing territorial claims over Guyana, there is no doubting the dedication and cohesion of the administration and opposition.

President Dr. Irfaan Ali and Opposition Leader Aubrey Norton met this week to discuss Venezuela’s recent aggression including a proposed referendum that seeks, among other things, the approval of Venezuelans for the annexation of Guyana’s Essequibo region.

Following that meeting, both sides clearly communicated that they are united on the matter.

Asked about the Opposition’s sincerity on the matter, the Vice President said, “Yes they are serious and I would not question their sincerity on that matter.”

In fact, Dr. Jagdeo said the two sides are very much united in all efforts to protect the country’s territorial integrity and sovereignty.

So much so that even during the five-month period when there were attempts by the APNU+AFC to derail the March 2, 2020 General and Regional Elections, his party, the PPP/C which is now in government, engaged in discussion about the border case before the International Court of Justice (ICJ).

“This is bigger than all of us. You know we can have our internal politics and fight over issues but where it concerns our country, our sovereignty, our people as a whole, that is something outside of politics,” Jagdeo said.

Venezuela claims two-thirds of Guyana’s territory, that is, the entire Essequibo region and the exclusive economic zone offshore.

After bilateral talks failed, the matter was referred to the World Court where Guyana is seeking a final, binding judgement that the Essequibo region belongs to Guyana and not Venezuela.









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