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Demerara Harbour Bridge is scheduled to reopen early today at 6 PM

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The Demerara Harbour Bridge will reopen at 18:00 on Thursday, six hours earlier than expected. The bridge was closed this week to allow for urgent repair work. Juan Edghill, the public works minister, made this announcement while visiting the site early on Thursday morning. “We are making a lot of adjustments, and we anticipate that the bridge will be accessible to automobile traffic by 6 PM this evening.

During his visit, Edghill advised people to begin preparing and adjusting for the bridge’s opening at 6 PM.

He claimed that the earlier reopening was possible because construction had gone ahead of schedule ever since the bridge was closed on Tuesday.

By Thursday afternoon, it is expected that the bridge will undergo a retraction to guarantee that it is in working order, and by 16:00 hrs, there will be a final cleaning of the structure.

The Demerara Harbour is the only bridge connecting Regions Three and Four; thousands of commuters use it every day.

The closure of the Demerara Harbour Bridge is to facilitate the replacement of the Span 9 which was damaged in September last year when the Panamanian flagged vessel, MV Tradewinds Passion, crashed into the bridge during a retraction period and rendered the bridge inoperable for several days.

On Tuesday, General Manager of the Demerara Harbour Bridge Corporation Watson also highlighted that other repair works are ongoing at the bridge. Another $85 million is being spent on fixing the High Span while internal works, costing $60 million, are ongoing at Spans 12 to 29 and 39 to 61.




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HomeBuitenlandDemerara Harbour Bridge is scheduled to reopen early today at 6 PM